Sunday, 12 February 2017

Syndicate sport Week 1

A great way to end the first week.. congratulations to all of our players of the day

Ben, Kiki, Kevin, Priscilla, Chris, Mishti, Kishan, Samarah, Rachita, Alex, Liam and Charlotte!

Playball opportunity at Halsey Drive

Playball at Halsey Drive

Playball is a sport and movement program specifically developed for the junior school (5-8 years). We run an exciting program covering skills from 8 different sports! 
With only 10 students in each team our low ratios provide a perfect learning environment. The main objective of Playball is not to create superstars, but rather to provide children with the opportunity to develop a host of necessary social, educational and personal skills. By giving children competence in sport, they will develop a vast number of life skills that are not associated with sport at all. From a child’s perspective the most important element of our program is fun! For many children their Playball lesson is the highlight of their week! 

* Maximum pupil:coach ratio of 10:1
* Introduction to eight sports
* Positive, enjoyable coaching environment
Life skills through sport
Age specific teams and programs

Playball runs at Halsey Drive on Tuesdays from 3pm - 4pm 

To enroll visit
For more information visit 
Or contact Erin 021923232 /

Senior school swimming sports

This years senior school swimming sports will take place in 
Week 7 on Thursday 23rd March. 
We encourage all the children to take part and welcome parents to come along and support us. More details about times will go out closer to the event. 

Swimming Term 1 2017

Swimming will start for all classes in Week 1... see timetable below for times. 

Please remember to name all uniforms and swimming gear so that it can be returned to children. If your child is unable to swim please write a note to inform your child's teacher. Swimming is an important part of the PE curriculum and will include crucial learning about water safety. 

Welcome to 2017!

Welcome back to 2017! 

Sports zones and events in Term 1...

Cricket Zones - Week 4 - Tuesday 28th February (Save day 2nd March)

Rippa Rugby - Week 6 - Tuesday 14th March (Save day 17th March)

Swimming Zones - Week 7 Tuesday 21st March - Week 7

Softball zones - Week 9 Tuesday 4th April (Save day 6th April)

All trials and practices will be announced at morning meetings.  Any queries see Miss Richardson.